I don’t have to tell my audience about the number of books and interview I have completed with personal growth, mastery and psychology authors.

I was recently sent a book called “Smart Change” by Art Markman professor of Psychology at the University of Texas which I believe could be a game changer.

We have all read books on how to change, as a matter of fact that is what most of the personal growth books are attempting to get us to do. “Smart Change” is attempting to do the same, but in a way that I believe can and will work if people apply the simple strategies that Art talks about in our interview.

I am not going to speak about the 5 effective tools in this blog entry, but you can go to his website to learn more by clicking here. You can also download his “Smart Change” Journal, simple but masterfully thought out.

The most important tool Art refers in his book he refers to as “Tame the Go System.” This is where you identify the triggers of habits, replace old behaviors with new ones, and generate specific plans to deal with the obstacles. This single idea worth the price of the book.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with a very knowledgeable and thought provoking author—Art Markman.

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