Tom Stone I was first introduced to Tom Stone by a very good friend by the name of Dr. Terry Shirvani who was very familiar with Tom’s ground breaking work at Great Life Technologies in Carlsbad, CA.  I then had the good fortune of being able to meet with Tom and a few members of his team, and was thoroughly impressed with what Tom refers to as Human Software Engineering .

In Tom’s new book entitled the, “Power of How-Simple Techniques to Vaporize Your Ego and Your Pain Body“, he explains the simple techniques through the use of the Pure Awareness Techniques to liberate yourself from fear, anger, guilt, regret, resentment, depression , anxiety, worry, nervousness and suffering and to begin to experience more joy, fulfillment, success and happiness in your life.  Tom explains that most spiritual teachings lack clear guidelines and techniques to simply, and easily experience your inner spiritual essence.

Tom’s new book is dedicated to telling you the HOW.  How to have these experiences instead of  someone speaking about their personal experiences.  He provides you with instruction on methods that will heighten your consciousness for a deeper connection with your true spiritual essence,  Pure Awareness and Pure Consciousness become a living reality for you instead of just a philosophical idea.

I hope that you enjoy this truly inspiring and engaging interview with Tom who is considered to be on the cutting edge of Human Software Engineering. If you would like to learn more about the many books he has written and the workshops that are available please click here for more information and to link to his the Great Life Technologies website.

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