Podcast 517: On Pluto with Greg O’ Brien

I recently met Greg O’Brien the author of “On Pluto” a fascinating book about Greg’s journey with Alzheimer’s.   In my interview with Greg we get to explore what goes on in the mind of someone with early onset Alzheimer’s.   While Greg will admit to you, his short term memory is frequently only about 60 seconds long,  the left side of his brain that part that is associated with creativity has not been affected as much and is more readably accessible.

I really like how Greg explains what it is like living with Alzheimer’s.  He says it is like doing laundry in the basement of your home and someone turns out the lights–how would you feel?  He says confused, frustrated, angry and ultimately you yell out for help and someone turns on the lights.  Everyday a sliver of your brain is being sliced off, and slowly you move into what Greg refers to as the distant planet Pluto.

Greg mentions that in the world Alzheimer’s has become and epidemic with approximately 135 million people being affected worldwide.  The outlook for this disease and its growth amongst the Baby Boomer is staggering.  He states that in 25 years there will be two kinds of people in the world–those with Alzheimer’s and those treating someone with the disease.

I hope you will take the time to listen to this wonderful man tell his story with has such a compelling message.  Listen, learn and understand how one lives with this disease, and can fight it as long as possible– through his book “On Pluto“.

Greg O’ Brien has not laid down,  he is a fighter and someone who will stay mentally alert using all the power he has to tell his story and provide ways to manage life with Alzheimer’s.

If you want to connect with Greg please click here to go to his website, and click here to connect with him on Facebook.  Enjoy this great interview.

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