I recently had the honor of interviewing Elisa Medhus MD about her new book called “My Life After Death” a memoir from heaven about her son Erik Medhus.
If you believe in the afterlife this phenomenal book has specially been written for you. If you have had visits from relatives who have passed and gone to heaven, then “My Life After Death” is a must read.
In this book Elisa speaks about her son Erik who committed suicide and visits her frequently from the other side. Erik recounts the actions that led up to his suicide and what life is like on the other side. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to pass over Erik Medhus does an amazing job of speaking through mediums and letting people know what life is like on the other side. He also is very clear that it is important not to fear death, it is a natural transition from our physical life to the spiritual life.In my interview with Elisa you will learn fascinating information that has come through Erik conveyed to various mediums and Erik is very clear about the beauty and tranquility of life after death.
Anyone wanting to learn more about the afterlife needs to read “My Life After Death”. If you would like to learn more about Erik and Elise you can visit their website by going to www.channelingerik.com you can also visit their Facebook page by clicking here.
I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with Elisa Medhus about her transformation and current beliefs in the afterlife as a result of her sons death and subsequent visits from the other side.
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