Gay Hendricks Ph.DI had the pleasure of meeting Gay Hendricks at a Leadership Conference that we both attended last year.  When I heard that he had just released his new book, “The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level”,  I contacted him to conduct this enlightening podcast and interview.

Gay has identified several challenges that all of us have in attaining happiness and success in our lives. He makes reference to this challenge as the “Upper Limit Problem”.  Gay states that there are four fears associated with the “Upper Limit Problem”  Those four fears are: feeling fundamentally flawed, disloyalty and abandonment, believing that more success brings a bigger burden, and the crime of outshining.

In our interview together we have an opportunity to discuss these fears and how to reach the Zone of Genius. We also explore the behaviors associated with the “Upper Limit Problems”.  Some of the behavior we may express as a result of our Upper Limit Problems are, worry, blame, criticism, getting sick or hurt, squabbling, not keeping agreements, not speaking the truth and others.

“The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level“,  is a book that helps you identify your personal challenges and fears. It guides you through a self analysis process by utilizing questions that get you in touch with your real fears. Gay then assists the reader in overcoming these behaviors and fears.  His new book is easy to read and understand and will help the reader breakthrough self imposed glass ceilings.

If you would like to make The Big Leap, and take your life to the next level then I highly recommend reading this book.  It is filled with practical advice and techniques to assist you in overcoming your fears.  It is less expensive than a psychologist, and will assist you in getting in touch with your own inner counselor.

To learn more about Gay Hendricks, and his consulting and learning organization please click here for more information.

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