Podcast 783: Crowdfunded by Mark Pecota

There is probably not a listener to my podcasts that has not been exposed or heard of the concept of crowdfunding.  It certainly is not a new concept, but how many of you reading this have actually ventured out and launched a product and used crowdfunding as your means to finance your project?  I going to venture to say not many, and the reason is that you might not know where to start and there’s is a bit of fear or trepidation about the process.

My good friend and author Mark Pecota who just release his new book “Crowdfunded-The Proven Crowdfunding System for Launching Products, Raising Millions, and Scaling Brands Using Indiegogo and Kickstarter” is just the expert you will want to listen to so that your questions about fundraising get answered.  He is the founder of a company in San Diego called “Launchboom” which has raised over $50 million dollars for his clients.

Mark and his team have created a three-step process that saves you time, energy, and money before you launch your great idea and product.  He refers to it as the “Test, Launch, Scale” framework.  The most important element of any crowdfunded project is how well you test the market before you actually launch your product.

Mark makes reference to the four horsemen of traffic: #1 Pre-Launch Email List–you build this list before your campaign and launch. #2 Facebook Advertising-Facebook’s targeting is scary good. So good that other platforms have not come close, this helps you define and reach the customer you want to reach. #3 PR & Media Placement-Landing solid PR provides your campaign with two things: Credibility & Sales.

If you are thinking about launching a new product, then you will want to listen to this podcast.  Mark Pecota and his company “Launchboom” are leaders in the industry.  I encourage you to reach out to Mark by visiting his website, you should also read “Crowdfunded” is will be a worthwhile guidebook to answering many questions about how to crowdfund.

Enjoy this informative and engaging interview with author and crowdfunding expert Mark Pecota.

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