Ron SchultzMy very good friend and author Ron Schultz has hit it out of the park with his new book entitled “Creating Good Work- The World’s Leading Social Entrepreneurs Show How to Build A Healthy Economy“.  In my interview with Ron we discuss his passion for social entrepreneurship and how this movement can and will change the way and focus of how we do business.  “Creating Good Work” shows how using free market principles will solve pressing problems and to make a positive difference in the world.

Ron’s personal contribution is a chapter on “How Change Happens And Why It Sometimes Doesn’t”  An important lesson Ron learned from his mentor Howard Sherman who introduced him to “a theory of business action” is that if the principle is flawed no matter how diligently we try nothing new and novel that can effect positive change will ever emerge from our models if the principle is wrong.  We must realize that at the root of social entrepreneurship we have to embrace change and learn how to thrive in this new environment.

Associate Dean Craig Dunn from Western Washington University contributes a chapter on “Deliberate Disruptive Design.”  Craig states that the term social entrepreneurship, fails to adequately catpure both the head and heart of the matter: thoughtful, caring design that is at the same time deliberate and disruptive, to the point of being fundamentally subversive is what is needed to shift our thoughts and actions about what we do and become in the process of embracing being a social entrepreneur.

Much of “Creating Good Work” is devoted to the amazing stories of individuals who are changing the world through amazing projects and service to our world.  Dorthy Stoneman from Youth Build, Bart Weetjens with Apopo, Bill Shore with Share Our Strength are just a few of the many social entrepreneurs profiled in “Creating Good Work“.  This books guides you from the theory to the practice and ultimately to success stories of individuals making a big difference.

If you have any interested at all in learning about social entrepreneurship and how you personally can make a difference in the world, then I highly recommend that you read and learn from the amazing stories told in  “Creating Good Work”.

Enjoy my interview with author and editor of “Creating Good Work” Ron Schultz.  You can visit his website by clicking here.


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