Podcast 313: Money From Fear to Love: Using the Enneagram to Create Wealth, Prosperity, and Love with Dr. Margaret Smith

Dr. Margaret SmithI recently attended a conference in San Diego and had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Margaret Smith the author of ” Money: From Fear to Love-Using the Enneagram to Create Wealth, Prosperity and Love“.  I was quite impressed with “Emma” as she likes to be referred to and her approach to our relationship with money.  Our podcast focuses on the tools that she specifically utilizes to assist couples with how they relate to money.  As Emma states in the introduction of her book, ” Money is a powerful mirror of who we are and where we are on our personal journeys.

In part one of her book she speaks about the Nine Domains of Money and how we need to master them in order to have a healthy relationship to money.  She mentions that many of us have a tenancy to focus on a few of the domains but neglect others, creating imbalance and frustration which blocks us from wealth, prosperity and love.  The best part about how Emma connects with her clients vs. traditional financial planning or management is that her approach endeavors to look at your relationship with money as well as how our human instincts and personality types impact that relationship.  She utilizes a tool called the Enneagram which helps to identify the nine archetypal energies that not only explain universal laws, but personality differences as well.

Our personality types are a launching pad from which to understand ourselves more deeply.  Emma states that as we become more conscious of who we really are, we can begin to move towards abundance and love and away from scarcity and fear.  A large part of each of our journeys with money is to discover the myriad ways we have blocked the truth of Love.  Dr. Smith states  that the work on the Nine Domains of Money is part of our Outer Work.  Outer work is the work we do on our material lives to have well-being in realms such as health, relationships, and money.  It is the work we do on our external selves to move past habitual, unhealthy patterns to live more balanced lives and realize our fullest potential. Inner Wrok, in contrast, is the work we do inside to take stock of ourselves, release fixations, move past limiting beliefs, wake up, and connect to our true selves behind our masks.
If you are interested in exploring a very effective way to help you re-ignite your relationship with money as well as look at where you might have imbalances, then I recommend that you read Dr. Smith’s book “Money: From Fear to Love“.   During my interview with Dr. Smith I was truly enlightened about new ways to approach my personal relationship with money.

You can find out more about Dr. Smith’s workshops as well as her book by clicking here to be directed to her website.  There is also a great video on YouTube you can access by clicking here to learn more about her program. Enjoy this wonderful interview with Dr. Margaret Smith author of “Money: From Fear to Love“.

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