Podcast 105: Healing the Rift with Leo Kim Ph.D

Leo Kim Ph.D I recently had the pleasure of meeting and getting to interview Leo Kim. He has a fascinating new book out called Healing the Rift – Bridging the Gap Between Science and Spirituality. Leo spent years as a scientist and biotechnology executive, and he has over 50 patents to his credit.  Much of his time was spent in the labatory studying the causes of cancer, and attempting to develop drugs to counter act the diseases he was studying.

During his work he was fortunate to have been influenced quite heavily by several of his patients to look further than the petri dish, and to explore the spiritual side of healing.  This resulted in Leo spending many years exploring the many spiritual aspects of healing, and his new book, Healing the Rift does an incredible job of weaving the elements of science and spirituality together.

Healing the Rift addresses the ultimate mystery, namely our existence.  It’s explanation has lead to the recurrent wars between deduction and faith, science and religion, and materialism verses spirituality propagating corpses of dogma littering the countless battlefields.  Leo shows how the conflict between science and spirituality can be bridged by understand the deeper meaning of 21st century scientific discoveries, which reveal that our world is a blending of mind and spirit.

I know you are going to enjoy this interview with Leo Kim and his insights into how spirituality and science compliment one another, as well as how a scientist turned spiritual advocate can provide you with a very new perspective on how healing occurs in our body, mind and spirit.  I encourage you to visit Leo’s web site as well as listen to his podcasts at HealthyLife.net radio where you can learn more about how he is changing the lives of thousands.

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