Robyn OBrienThis is an interview with author Robyn O’Brien who decided to take some real action when it came to uncovering what ingredients in our foods are making us sick.

Her youngest daughter had a severe reaction to the eggs that she had eaten at breakfast one morning, which required a visit to the pediatrician and a mega dose of antihistamine.  This incident lead Robyn on her long journey of attempting to find the truth about what really is in our foods, and what are we not being told.

In our interview together we discuss the connections to genetically modified foods, and how these foods are allowed in our country but have been banned from European countries.   Just what is the connection between Big Food and Big Money in our country?  And why are harmful food additives still allowed in our food supplies?

Many of the toxins in our foods can be blamed for the alarming recent increases in allergies, ADHD, cancer and asthma in our children. Robyn and I explore these facts and provide you with some startling information about our food supply, and what steps you can take to protect yourself.

Robyn learned that one out of every three US kids currently suffers from allergies, asthma, ADHD, or autism and the number of children with peanut allergies actually doubled between 1997 and 2002.  So just what is happening to our food supply, and what steps can you take to prevent these statistics from effecting you or your family? “The “Unhealthy Truth” discloses what you need to know.  She provides recipes and actions plans for weaning your family off dangerous chemicals one step at at time.

I encourage you to listen to a very informative interview with the Erin Brockovich of food as she has been referred to by the media.

Robyn is also the founder of a non-profit entitled “Allergy Kids”  where you can obtain more information about her and the work she is doing to expose this important information about our foods and how to keep your family healthy in spite of the startling statistics.

Janice TaylorWhat a wonderful interview with a very inspiring, creative and lively author!  Janice Taylor is one of the country’s leading health and wellness coaches, and she writes from personal experience.  In her new book, “All is Forgiven, Move On“,  Janice writes about her personal bout with weight loss and how she finally came to the point of acceptance and forgiving herself. This shift in her mindset has provided her the inner strength and ability to not only lose the weight, but to keep it off for years.

She explains that to change our bodies we need to radically shift our attitude–get out of our ruts, forgive ourselves for past sins, and move on with a positive outlook.  In her book she offers 101 forgiving, fun and fat-burning steps along the road to weight loss to help readers recharge and stay inspired when the journey get rocky.  Each of the steps in the book ends with a “point of view” –a fresh perspective on weight loss–and includes advice and activities.

All Is Forgiven, Move On” is loaded with wonderful art, recipes and exercises that will engage the reader and get you moving in the right direction with your weight release program.  I have personally reviewed many books on weight loss, and this is undoubtedly the most creative, fun and engaging book that I have ever reviewed.   When you pick up ” All is Forgiven, Move On” you realize that Janice has put her heart and soul into the message and really wants to help people learn how to love themselves, and lose weight.

Janice has created a wonderful website, and you can also join her “Our Lady of Weight Loss Kick in the Tush Club”.  If you would like more information on either her newsletter, book or wonderful coaching programs please click here to access her website.


Enjoy this wonderful interview with the very lively and interesting weight loss Queen–Janice Taylor.