We all know that telling the truth is an important attribute and quality in a person.  The question is do we tell the truth at work? If not what are you afraid of?  If so, congratulations it is truly a lacking commodity in corporate America.

In my interview with author Mindy Mackenzie about her new book entitled “The Courage Solution-The Power of Truth Telling with Your Boss, Peers, and Team.”  We discuss the importance of telling the truth and how embracing this in the culture of an organization really makes a difference in almost everything that happens with all the stakeholders of the company.

Mindy states ” with truth telling being the commodity in shortest supply in corporate America today, “The Courage Solution” challenges business professionals to take deceptively simple actions that require vulnerability and courage, which will dramatically improve their impact on the job while increasing their happiness and fulfillment.  It is built on the simple truth that the only thing you can reliably change or control at any company is yourself’.”

There are four key areas that the book focuses on, and they are 1) You First-it offers techniques to take ownership and accountability for creating a career and life you love. 2) Lead Your Boss describes proven techniques to transform your relationship with your boss. 3) Lead your Peers provides methods for accelerating positive peer relationships to improve business results.  4) Lead your Team give approaches for generating and creating the most effective teams and having more fun while doing it.

If you want more information about author Mindy Mackenzie and her new book “The Courage Solutionjust click here to be directed to her website.  I hope you enjoy this interview about how to tell the truth and make a difference in your company, with your peers and your boss.


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