A few week ago I started an interview with David Sibbet the author of “Visual Leaders”.  We did not get a chance to complete the interview so I invited David back for another podcast.

In this interview we continue our dialogue about  ”Visual Leaders” and we also delve into another of David’s books entitled ” Visual Teams”.

As David states “Visualization provides teams with a common language and serves as  as a powerful tool for improving processes and communicating big picture contexts”.   Engaging in visual meeting using large murals or whiteboards is a very involving way to present and tell a story as well as a way to create engagement and buy-in from the teams members.

If you work in a team or own a business and have not experienced the benefit of utilizing the graphic visualization tools,  then I would invite you to listen to this interview and visit Grove Consulting website by clicking here.  You will find various tools and aids to assist you even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body.

To learn more about David Sibbets books “Visual Leaders, Visual Teams, and Visual Meetings” please click any of the hypertext links to be directed to the books at Amazon.

Enjoy this great interview with author David Sibbet.

(Note: In two small segments of this interview you will hear me yelling at my dog who was barking and creating lots of noise.  I apologize for the yelling I have asked Jean to do another interview, but wanted to get this posted until she complets the re-do.   I thought the mute was on but obviously not. The wonders of recording podcast without having a sound proof room.  Enjoy the interview anyway, she is an amazing woman.)

I recently had the honor and pleasure of interviewing Jean Houston about her new book entitled “The Wizard of Us”.

Jean provides the reader with lessons that will transform and inspire.  She utilizes the famous heros journey story from the Wizard of Oz as the training ground.  ”The Wizard of Us” offers new understanding of the human condition, and the importance of myth and the critical nature of our role and how we can participate in the creation of a better world.

As Jean states we are living in the most unique time in human history.  Other times in history thought they were it. They were wrong states Jean. This is it.  Often our everyday, local experience is not sufficient for the enormity of the challenges that are laid upon us in this most remarkable of times.

Join author Jean Houston on a journey,  one where you can write a new story about your life and live the life your soul wishes you to live.  ”The Wizard of Us” will take you there through story and myth— find the courage and heart and venture with the Oz characters while you write your new story.

If you want to learn more about Jean Houston please click here to be directed to her website, or click here to be directed to her Facebook page.  You can also watch a video trailer about the book, below.

Enjoy our interview together.

I recently attended a meeting of the “Disruptive Thinkers’ in San Diego.  The speaker at the regular Monday evening event was an author by the name of Neil Senturia.  I really did not know what to think, but I was in for a pleasant surprise.  Not only was Neil entertaining, funny and witty but his message was meaningful and dead on the money!.

If you are an entrepreneur or social entrepreneur then you are going to want to listen to my interview with Neil Senturia about his book entitled ” I’m There For You, Baby-The Entrepreneur’s Guide to the Galaxy”.  This book is comprised of a series of rules that Neil has developed over the years, as a result of being an amazingly successful entrepreneur himself.

Let me share a couple of the rules with you to see if you agree:

Rule #1: Return every email and every phone call.”

Rule #2: Networking is a profession. Become professional at it.”

Rule #3: You must go to every meeting and every event; in particular, the ones you know for sure will be a total waste of time.”  

It really doen’t matter if you agree or disagree with Neil’s rules or not, the book is a must read for anyone who runs their own business or is about to venture out into any entrepreneur activity.  Please take a few minutes and listen to our interview I think you will find our dialogue inspiring and the content very useful.

To learn more about Neil Senturia and ” I’m There For You, Baby”, click here to be directed to his website.

You can also watch a few very funny and informative book trailer just click below.

I had a very serendipitous event occur to me about a month ago.  I was setting in a local coffee house and saw a man reading “Through God’s Eyes”.  I was so taken by the title I asked him where he got the book and if he knew anything about the author.  He mentioned that the author was a fellow devotee of Self Realization Fellowship, and would I like to meet him.  The rest is history, I called Phil Bolsta and we instantly connected and I asked him to be a guest on Inside Personal Growth.

Phil’s new book “Through God’s Eyes-Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World” is a work of art as far as I am concerned.  It took Phil over 14 years to compile the quotes that he has so carefully organized into sections in the book.  Included with the quotes are Phil’s own comments and food for though as you read, contemplate and meditate on the amazing compilation of quotes.  You can pick up “Through God’s Eyes” anywhere and be inspired. This is not a book you have to read page by page to get the meaning from its content.

I know you are going to enjoy my interview with Phil as we discuss many of the sections of “Through God’s Eyes”.  If you are seeking deeper spiritual understanding and connection then this is the book for you.  You don’t have to be a theologian to read and reap the rewards of “Through God’s Eyes”, just relax and enjoy the quotes and the inspiring food for thought that Phil has incorporated into every quote.

If you want to learn more about Phil Bolsta and this wonderful book, just click here.

If you want to watch a great trailer about the book then just click on the video below.

Almost everyone knows the book by Napoleon Hill—”Think and Grow Rich

In my recent interview with Don Green the executive director of “the Napoleon Hill Foundation” we discuss his new book entitled ” Everything I Know About Success I Learned From Napoleon Hill.”  

Author Don Green is a humble man, but an amazing powerhouse of wisdom and knowledge about the teachings of Napoleon Hill.  In my interview with Don we discuss not only the his strong work ethic but how his love of books on success influenced his career path.  As Don states      ” In a few minutes, I can show you how to become a millionaire without winning the lottery.  But the problem is that about 98 out of 100 lack discipline.    

If you want to learn what it takes to become successful—not just monetarily then I would highly recommend that you read “Everything I Know About Success I Learned From Napoleon Hill.”

You can also watch a great introduction to the book below or link to the Napoleon Hill Foundation website by clicking this link.

I recently did an interview with author Polly Campbell the author or Imperfect Spirituality.   What I love about Polly is her authenticity during our interview, and an attitude of telling it like it is.

She states that “Our practices may be imperfect, but our souls never are. Real-life moments sometime provide the opportunity for spiritual growth in a day.

Polly’s new book is loaded with practical tips, examples and stories of people on similar spiritual quests and journeys just like many of us are.  I know you will love this interview with an inspiring, witty and authentic author with lots of gifts based on real life stories to inspire our inner longing to listen to our souls and take action base upon how we are guided by the inner voice.

You will also want to visit her website by clicking here, and watch the great YouTube video below.

Recently I was speaking with a good friend who was going through some tough emotional times and he recommended that I read a book entitled “When the Past Is Present”  I contacted David Richo the author and he kindly granted me an interview.

In my interview with David we discuss the topic of transference which I have to admit I was not aware of prior to our interview and reading his book.  I know that many of my listeners will relate to this issue, for our relationships with our parents are frequently played out in our own relationships subconsciously.

If a parent withheld love we can find that we emulate this behavior in our relationships.  I know for me that being demonstrative and loving has always been emotionally challenging and something that I needed to bring to the greater awareness too and focus on.  In my interview with David we discuss not only the topic of transference  but how David recommends transmitting this emotional challenge.

I highly recommend David book “When the Past Is Present” if you are unaware of how you treat the people you love, and want to understand the steps you can take to eliminate this subconscious behavior.

Please take time to listen to our interview and watch the video interview  below.  You can also visit David’s website by clicking here.

In my interview with Dr. Synthia Andrews we discuss her new book entitled ” The Path of Emotions

In her new book Dr. Andrews explores her life’s work about how emotions command our life-force and direct or choices.  Emotions provide rhythm, context and meaning to life. Without them we would find little of value in our successes and minimal learning from our failures.  Emotions convey the essence of being alive, yet most of us spend a considerable amount of time and energy avoiding and controlling our emotions rather that using them.

Dr Andrews states that emotions are a source of information.  Comfortable or uncomfortable, they tell us about ourselves: where we need to grow, what traumas haven’t healed, what we have to offer the world and more.

I hope you enjoy this interesting and informative interview with author Dr. Synthia Andrews as we explore the meaning of our emotions and the power we give them.

If you would like more information about Dr. Andrews you can visit her website by clicking here.

Larry Senn the author of “Up the Mood Elevator” is one of the most engaging and interesting authors I have interviewed in quite sometime.

As you listen to our interview together you certainly will see why he wrote about moods and living life at your best.  Larry is the co-founder of a organizational consulting firm called Senn Delaney which just merged with Heidrick and Struggles.  The work that Larry has been involved in for the last 40 years has been cultural and personal transformational consulting.  At its core, Larry will tell you that if people don’t change, then the organization has no chance of changing.

His new book “Up the Mood Elevator” is packed solid with profound principles, fascinating concepts and practical tools to improve one’s ride up and down the mood elevator.    As Larry states in our interview once you understand what causes your mood and emotional changes, the better prepared you are to manage them successfully.   I encourage you to listen and learn while Larry Senn and I explore the in and outs , ups and downs of moods and the simple ways we can control our minds to have a better ride on the mood elevator.

I encourage you to visit the “Up the Mood Elevator” book landing page and watch the engaging interview with Larry about his new book.