Podcast 497: Hardwiring Happiness with Rick Hanson

What an honor to interview Rick Hanson the author of another great book entitled “Hardwiring Happiness“.  My last interview with Rick was for his book “Just One Thing, Developing A Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time”.  

In our interview together we get to dialogue about how our brains are not really hardwired for happiness, and how to use various practices that will help us to rewire our brains for happiness.  Rick explains the “three” layers of the brain which I think is fascinating and allows us to better understand  the “why” behind our inability to just get happy.  One of his practices Rick has developed, and he uses the acronym  “HEAL” , which stand for Have, Enrich, Absorb and Link.  This is a simple process developed to awaken us so we can reprogram our brains for happiness.

Another simple process he discusses in our inteview is just taking the time to notice our positive experiences.  This might sound simple but when was the last time that we took a few minutes to just bask in the awe of one of our happy moments.  As Rick states this helps us to reprogram the brains to better be wired to happiness.  I can not guarantee that we will all become Dalai Lama’s after listening to my interview with Rick, but it will put you on the right track to greater levels of happiness.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with a fascinating author and advocate for well being and happiness.

If you would like to learn more about Rick Hanson and his wonderful program entitled ”  The Foundations of Well-Being” please click on the link provided and check out his great site.  Also if you want to watch a great TED talk video just click here.

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2 comments on “Podcast 497: Hardwiring Happiness with Rick Hanson

  1. What Rich refers to as the Green zone…Peace, Contentment & Love,
    Is that the same as others refer to as I Am, We, Us, Spirit ?
    and the Red zone is the I, EGO, & is immobilization the inability to transfer into
    Spirit (utilizing both left brain & right brain hemispheres) vs living a limited perspective of being only in ( the left brain hemisphere”…many now call this the EGO side, since this is where our judgment lies…

    I loved the 3 floors analogy…
    when we are on the 3rd level in the brain, isn’t it true we have a choice to make at this level ? Do we go left brain/right brain or follow the path of both…the whole brain

    Rich thanks for the journey of a fresh new perspective & words, I definitely want to read your book…:) jerry

  2. Stella Rodriguez Dec 11, 2014

    Enjoyed listening to interview.

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